Quinton brings back Dyson Sphere and uses Argent Chaos Force to evolve it to Chaos Number 9: Chaos Dyson Sphere, before using Chronomaly Chaos Atlandis to bring Mizar's life points to 1. However, Mizar than uses a trap to survive their attack, and return Tachyon Dragon to his side, allowing him to use The Seventh One to bring out Chaos Number 107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, which prevents Trey and Quinton from defending themselves. Meanwhile, Girag captures Nash during their travel and brings him to Don Thousand, saying that he couldn't allow Nash to duel Yuma, "in the name of Don Thousand." Before their defeat, Trey and Quinton reveal to both Mizar and Yuma that their mission was to buy time for Kite to head towards the moon, so that he can search for the Numeron Code and fulfill The Legend of the Dragons of Light and Time. Saying their goodbyes to Yuma, the two are defeated by Mizar as he destroys their Chaos Numbers, and their souls are sent to Barian World. Mizar decides to head to the moon to confront Kite.